Town of Lapeer
Town of Lapeer
notes from Cindy McFarland, Town Clerk
State of New York
County of Cortland
Town of Lapeer
Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Lapeer held at the Town Highway Garage on December 11, 2024
Present: Gary F. Cornell, Supervisor
Ed Butler, Councilman
Lee Brown, Councilman
Karen Fritts, Councilwoman
Arleen Colasanto, Councilwoman
Cindy McFarland, Town Clerk/Tax Collector
Patrick McMahon, Highway Superintendent
Laurie Tebbe, Town Historian
Richard Edsall, Town Justice
Others: Jill Baldwin, Cathy Cornell, John Colasanto
The Meeting Was Called to Order at 7:07 by Gary Cornell. Minutes of November 6, 2024 were verified correct.
There was no Code Enforcer Report
There was no Justice Report but Richard submitted a $40 check for October justice fees
There was no Dog Control Report
Laurie Tebbe provided a written report of her activities as town historian, including meetings, research, and archiving. The report is attached to the Minutes.
Cindy McFarland submitted the monthly report for November (dog licenses, building permits) and monies ($175.00).
The Highway Superintendent’s monthly report was passed around to the Board.
CHIPS paperwork acknowledged and a check is pending
Summer equipment washed, radiators checked, put up for winter
John Deere 301 tractor needs a new radiator
Adjustments are needed in employee's accruals
Pressure washer was disassembled and cleaned. It is not going to work and it was purchased in 2007. Patrick will obtain quotes for a replacement.
A motion was made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Ed Butler to acknowledge the receipt of reports. Resolution #81: BE IT RESOLVED TO receive the monthly reports as presented. Roll call vote: Arleen aye, Karen aye, Lee aye, Ed aye. Motion carried.
Vouchers #105 - 122 in the General Fund and #93 – 103 in the Highway Fund on Abstract #12 for a total amount of $ 9,047.42 were presented to the Board for auditing and approval. A motion was made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Ed Butler to accept the vouchers as true and correct. Resolution #82: BE IT RESOLVED TO pay all vouchers. Roll call vote: Lee aye, Arleen aye, Karen aye, Ed aye. Motion carried.
On a motion made by Ed Butler and seconded by Arleen Colasanto , Resolution #83: BE IT RESOLVED TO reimburse Jill Baldwin $100.00 for two hours of her time to attend a budget session with Gary and Cindy in October 2024. Roll call vote: Arleen aye, Karen aye, Lee aye, Ed aye. Motion carried.
Gary appointed Jill Baldwin as his bookkeeper for the Town, effective December 1, 2024. Gina Nourse will be compensated through the end of the year.
Laurie Leonard from the County Personnel Office, Civil Service, sent notice that the following positions should be renamed:
Alan Butler – title should be Code Enforcement Officer P/T
Mark Urtz – title should be Motor Equipment Operator
Patrick McMahon – title should be Motor Equipment Operator
Excellus BC/BS sent notice of new rates for 2025:
Single – was $772.95, 2025 rate $843.43
This is a monthly premium for both Patrick and Mark
Real Property Tax Office sent a check for $111.91 for reimbursement of dues from the Cortland County Assessors Association. The group is no longer active and the dues have been divided among the towns that paid into the Association. The check will be credited to the Assessor's Contractual fund, A1355.4.
A check from Cortland County Finance Office in the amount of $5,469.87 was received. This covers mortgage tax from 4/1/24 to 9/30/24.
Old Business:
There is still no word from the Comptroller's Office concerning the recent town audit.
New Business:
On a motion made by Lee Brown and seconded by Arleen Colasanto , Resolution #84: BE IT RESOLVED TO increase Mark Urtz's salary from $21.50 per hour to $24.00 per hour, effective the first pay period of 2025. Roll call vote: Arleen aye, Karen aye, Ed aye, Lee aye. Motion carried.
The Board went into a ten minute Executive Session to discuss a judicial matter with Richard Edsall.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting of the Lapeer Town Board will be held on January 8, 2025 at 7:00 PM.
A motion was made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Ed Butler to adjourn the meeting. Resolution #85: BE IT RESOLVED, there being no further business, to conclude the meeting at 8:23PM. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cynthia McFarland
Lapeer Town Clerk
State of New York
County of Cortland
Town of Lapeer
Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Lapeer held at the Town Highway Garage on November 6, 2024
Present: Gary F. Cornell, Supervisor
Ed Butler, Councilman
Lee Brown, Councilman
Karen Fritts, Councilwoman
Arleen Colasanto, Councilwoman
Cindy McFarland, Town Clerk/Tax Collector
Patrick McMahon, Highway Superintendent
Town Resident: Cathy Cornell
A public hearing on the Town's Proposed Budget for 2025 was called to order at 7:00 by Town Supervisor Gary Cornell. As there were no attendees, a motion to close the budget hearing at 7:08 was made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Ed Butler. Resolution #75: BE IT RESOLVED TO close the public hearing on the Proposed Budget for 2025. Roll call vote: Karen aye, Ed aye, Lee aye, Arleen aye. Motion carried.
The Meeting Was Called to Order at 7:08 by Gary Cornell. Minutes of October 9, 2024 were verified correct.
There was no Code Enforcer Report
There was no Dog Control Report
There was no Justice Report
Cindy McFarland submitted the monthly report for October (dog licenses, building permits) and monies ($129.00).
The Highway Superintendent’s monthly report was passed around to the Board.
The 2021 plow tuck is ready for winter
The new GMC 1 ton is on site and operational
New computer is up and running
CHIPS paperwork mailed
Salt and sand mixed and covered, and purchased a ton of cold patch
Received check from Auctions International
Will need a new pressure washer
A motion was made by Lee Brown and seconded by Karen Fritts to acknowledge the receipt of reports. Resolution #76: BE IT RESOLVED TO receive the monthly reports as presented. Roll call vote: Arleen aye, Karen aye, Lee aye, Ed aye. Motion carried.
Vouchers #96 - 104 in the General Fund and #83 - 92 in the Highway Fund on Abstract # 11 for a total amount of $31,001.31 were presented to the Board for auditing and approval. A motion was made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Ed Butler to accept the vouchers as true and correct. Resolution #77: BE IT RESOLVED TO pay all vouchers. Roll call vote: Lee aye, Arleen aye, Karen aye, Ed aye. Motion carried.
A check for $21,885.00 was received by Auctions International for the online sale of the 2018 truck/sander.
The 2025 contract for MAVAC was received and signed.
The County sent notice of an immediate Burn Ban issued by Chair of the Cortland County Legislature, Kevin Fitch. The ban prohibits any open burning in the County until December 1st.
Old Business:
There is no word on the audit other than it is in the Comptroller's office.
New Business:
Since the 2025 budget is staying under the 2% tax cap, the local law from the February 14, 2024 board meeting: Local Law #1 A local law to override the tax levy limit established in General Municipal Law 3-c is invalid.
A motion was made by Ed Butler and seconded by Lee Brown to adopt Local Law #2 for the year 2024. Resolution #78: BE IT RESOLVED TO adopt Local Law #2: A local law to Rescind Local Law #1 of 2024. Roll call vote: Ed aye, Lee aye, Arleen aye, Karen aye. Motion carried.
The Board determined the total to be raised by taxes as $447,624.00 which stays under the tax cap of 2%. The highway fund operating budget is $288,740.00 and the general fund is $158,884.00. The tax rate per thousand decreased to $5.22 from $5.26 in 2024.
A motion was made by Lee Brown and seconded by Arleen Colasanto to adopt the preliminary budget as the final budget. Resolution #79: BE IT RESOLVED TO adopt the attached certified Budget for 2025 with the amount to be raised by taxes as $447,624.00. All in favor by roll call vote:
Karen Fritts Aye Lee Brown Aye Ed Butler Aye Arleen Colasanto Aye
Cindy will send a certified copy to Real Property Tax Services and the Town Supervisor.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting of the Lapeer Town Board will be held on December 11, 2024 at 7:00 PM.
A motion was made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Ed Butler to adjourn the meeting. Resolution #80: BE IT RESOLVED, there being no further business, to conclude the meeting at 7:52 PM. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cynthia McFarland
Lapeer Town Clerk
State of New York
County of Cortland
Town of Lapeer
Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Lapeer held at the Town Highway Garage on October 9, 2024
Present: Lee Brown, Deputy Supervisor
Ed Butler, Councilman
Arleen Colasanto, Councilwoman
Karen Fritts, Councilwoman
Cindy McFarland, Town Clerk/Tax Collector
Patrick McMahon, Highway Superintendent
Gina Nourse, Budget Officer PT
Town Residents: Bill McGovern, Legislator
An Open Session was held. Bill McGovern remarked on budget meetings in the County and changes in sales tax distribution for 2026.
The Meeting Was Called to Order at 7:17 by Lee Brown. Minutes of September 11, 2024 were verified correct.
There was no Code Enforcer Report
There was no Dog Control Report
There was no Justice Report but Richard Edsall dropped off a $900.00 check for September court fees.
* Cindy McFarland submitted the monthly report for September (dog license, marriage licenses) and monies ($53.00).
* The Highway Superintendent’s monthly report was passed around to the Board.
There were no major equipment repairs but the superintendent's laptop died.
Jobs included: ditching, mowing, mixing & stacking sand, preparing 2022 truck for winter use, installed culvert pipes at residence on Muster Rd., repaired tires on loader
There was a high bid on the 2018 truck/sander on Auctions International for $21,800 (truck) and $105.00 (sander).
A motion was made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Ed Butler to acknowledge the receipt of reports. Resolution #69: BE IT RESOLVED TO receive the monthly reports as presented. Roll call vote: Karen aye, Ed aye, Arleen aye. Motion carried.
The monthly report for the general and highway fund for September was given to board members.
Vouchers #88 - 95 in the General Fund and #72 - 82 in the Highway Fund on Abstract # 10 for a total amount of $6,804.63 were presented to the Board for auditing and approval. A motion was made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Ed Butler to accept the vouchers as true and correct. Resolution #70: BE IT RESOLVED TO pay all vouchers. Roll call vote: Arleen aye, Karen aye, Ed aye. Motion carried.
A 2025 Allocation schedule was sent by Perma to show tail-end payments on workman's comp claims. Lapeer's portion was down 10% from 2024: from $13,712.00 to $12,340.00.
The Comptroller sent notice of a State Aid payment in the amount of $4,526.00. This is an annual payment for AIM (Aid and Incentives to Municipalities) and should be recorded under revenue code A3001 – State Aid and Revenue Sharing.
According to the NYS Office of the Comptroller the tax cap is 2% and this rate is effective for all counties, cities, towns, villages and fire districts in New York. The rate per thousand for the Town Preliminary Budget is $5.22 and for the fire district $1.11.
Changes to the 2025 preliminary budget:
A1010.1 (Town Board - salary) was $4200.00, proposed $4800.00
A1110.1 (Justice – salary) was $5500, proposed $6000
A1220.1 (Supervisor – salary) was $4200, proposed $4800
A4020.1 (Registrar – salary) was $800, proposed $1000
A1410.4 (Town Clerk Contractual) was $1675.00, proposed $1800.00
A9050.8 (Unemployment Ins.) was $19,000, proposed $12,340
A2590 (revenue, permits) was $100, proposed $500
Gina will compute the new tax cap percentage and the amount to be raised by taxes.
Old Business:
The auditors have finished their assessment of the town and are submitting their findings to Albany. The Board should get final paperwork in a month or so.
George Courtney is pursuing the matter of requesting a $50 refund on a building permit he applied for in May. He states that he files a schedule F and should get farm exemption. The Board agreed that he is not a farmer. On a motion made by Ed Butler and seconded by Karen Fritts, Resolution #71: BE IT RESOLVED TO reimburse George Courtney $50 for a building permit for a pole barn and cancel the permit. Roll call vote: Ed aye, Karen aye, Arleen aye. Motion carried. Gina will cut the check, payable by voucher, and debit the appropriate budget line for building permits.
New Business:
On a motion made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Ed Butler, Resolution #72: BE IT RESOLVED TO adopt the amended preliminary budget and put it forth to a Public Hearing on November 6, 2024 at 7:00 PM. Roll call vote: Ed aye, Karen aye, Arleen aye. Motion carried. Cindy will advertise the public hearing.
On a motion made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Ed Butler, Resolution #73: BE IT RESOLVED TO accept the high bid from Auction's International of $21,800 for the 2018 pickup truck and $105 for the sander unit. Roll call vote: Arleen aye, Karen aye, Ed aye. Motion carried.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting of the Lapeer Town Board will be held on November 6, 2024 at 7:00 PM.
A motion was made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Arleen Colasanto to adjourn the meeting. Resolution #74: BE IT RESOLVED, there being no further business, to conclude the meeting at 8:17 PM. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cynthia McFarland
Lapeer Town Clerk
State of New York
County of Cortland
Town of Lapeer
Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Lapeer held at the Town Highway Garage on September 11, 2024
Present: Gary F. Cornell, Supervisor
Ed Butler, Councilman
Lee Brown, Councilman
Karen Fritts, Councilwoman
Arleen Colasanto, Councilwoman
Cindy McFarland, Town Clerk/Tax Collector
Patrick McMahon, Highway Superintendent
Other: Bill McGovern, Legislator
An Open Floor session was held. Bill McGovern addressed the County sales tax proposal and the town's manure issue on the roads.
The Meeting Was Called to Order at 7:45 by Gary Cornell.
Minutes of August 14, 2024 were verified correct.
There was a dog control report. One stray puppy was picked up. Lindsay also submitted a request for a $600.00 annual increase in dog control fees.
There was no code report.
There were two checks left by Richard Edsall for justice court fees: $200.00 for June and $338.00 for August. There was nothing new to report.
Cindy McFarland submitted the Clerk monthly report (dog licenses) and monies ($45.00).
Patrick McMahon submitted a highway report:
The tires on the loader continue to go soft.
Mark Urtz would like health insurance.
CHIPS money from the State is at a 5 year rotation schedule for road repairs
The sander for the pickup is being installed for $7680.00
The rental mower has been returned
The 2018 pickup and sander is ready for listing at Auctions International
Continue to mow and ditch
Oil and stone is complete, Phillips Rd shoulders are done, and ongoing pipe maintenance continues
Gabe Martin chose not to work part-time
A motion was made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Lee Brown to acknowledge the
receipt of reports. Resolution #66: BE IT RESOLVED TO receive the monthly reports as presented. Roll call vote: Lee aye, Karen aye, Ed aye, Arleen aye. Motion carried.
Vouchers #79 - 87 in the General Fund and #63 - 71 in the Highway Fund on Abstract #9 for a total amount of $60,707.52 were presented to the Board for auditing and approval. A motion was made by Lee Brown and seconded by Ed Butler to accept the vouchers as true and correct. Resolution #67: BE IT RESOLVED TO pay all vouchers. Roll Call vote: Ed aye, Arleen aye, Lee aye, Karen aye. Motion carried.
A check for $317.00 for Municipal Aid was received from the Office of the State Comptroller
Country Acres sent notice of a $50 per month increase for dog control service
Old Business:
The auditors are still auditing.....
New Business:
Budget: Gary will get together with Gina to work on the tentative budget and get copies to the Clerk before the end of September. Known increases to-date are: Association of Towns membership increased from $500 to $599, Country Acres Dog Control increased from $4800 to $5400, and MAVAC increased from $11,273 to $12,682.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting of the Lapeer Town Board will be held on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 at 7:00 PM.
A motion was made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Ed Butler to adjourn the meeting. Resolution #68 BE IT RESOLVED, there being no further business, to conclude the meeting at 8:35 PM. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cynthia McFarland
Lapeer Town Clerk
State of New York
County of Cortland
Town of Lapeer
Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Lapeer held at the Town Highway Garage on August 14, 2024
Present: Gary F. Cornell, Supervisor
Ed Butler, Councilman
Lee Brown, Councilman
Arleen Colasanto, Councilwoman
Cindy McFarland, Town Clerk/Tax Collector
Patrick McMahon, Highway Superintendent
Other: Bill McGovern, Legislator; Jim Jennison, Resident
An Open Floor session was held. Bill McGovern had two announcements: 1. There is an opening for a board member at Cortland County Soil and Water, and 2. Budget time at the County is beginning and the committee needs to address repairs to the courthouse: dome, entrances, hvac system, elevator, and office space for new judges. Additionally, the County has to consider budgeting for hiring new attorneys, the jail, the mental health building, TC3, and the County Office Building.
Jim Jennison wanted to voice his concern over Amish horse manure on the town and county roads in Lapeer and also whether or not the Town would consider recycle bins at the town highway garage.
The Meeting Was Called to Order at 7:35 by Gary Cornell.
Minutes of July 10, 2024 were verified correct.
There was no dog control report.
There was no code report.
There was a justice report left by Richard Edsall with a check for July fees in the amount of $1,180.00, mostly due to the overdue fine notices he sent.
Cindy McFarland submitted the Clerk monthly report (dog licenses, building permits) and monies ($295.00).
Patrick McMahon submitted a highway report:
Patrick will hire Mark Urtz for a full-time position to begin on August 19, 2024. Gabe Martin will be offered a part-time position at that time.
Brakes on the 2021 truck have set up again.
A significant amount of storm damage had to be cleaned up.
There are many breakdowns on the rental mower.
Hauling sand
Prepping for oil & stone on Quail Hill, Harvey Hill, Courtney Hill, and part of Valentine Hill
The quote for the sander for the new pickup truck is $7720.00 installed.
A motion was made by Lee Brown and seconded by Ed Butler to acknowledge the receipt of reports. Resolution #58: BE IT RESOLVED TO receive the monthly reports as presented. Roll call vote: Lee aye, Ed aye, Arleen aye. Motion carried.
Vouchers #70 - 78 in the General Fund and #54 - 62 in the Highway Fund on Abstract #8 for a total amount of $19,637.34 were presented to the Board for auditing and approval. A motion was made by Lee Brown and seconded by Ed Butler to accept the vouchers as true and correct. Resolution #59: BE IT RESOLVED TO pay all vouchers. Roll Call vote: Ed aye, Arleen aye, Lee aye. Motion carried.
Gina Nourse needs to submit monthly budget reports to the Board.
The Annual Financial Report has been completed and certified with the Comptroller's Office.
Mirabito has been sending statements each month since January 2023 informing the Town of a $.20 credit.
Cortland County Real Property Tax sent notice the Town's option for distribution of sales tax revenues is due by September 1st. The Board would like to keep the sales tax revenue towards the tax levy at $330,000.00 but would like the County to keep all the sales tax until that amount is met, instead of dividing the amount into quarterly payments. Gary and Cindy will draft a letter to Real Property Tax before September 1st.
A motion was made by Lee Brown and seconded by Arleen Colasanto to leave the sales tax distribution from the County the same, Resolution #60: BE IT RESOLVED TO apply $330,000.00 as credit towards the tax levy for 2025. Roll Call vote: Arleen aye, Ed aye, Lee aye. Motion carried. Cindy will send a copy of the Resolution to the County and Gary will call the office to make sure there is no mistake made this time.
The Association of Towns sent notice that the dues for 2025 will increase to $599.00 based on information given to the Association by the Comptroller's last available revenue report from 2022. Gary is going to call the Association to ascertain where the revenue figure came from.
Old Business:
The auditors are still auditing.....
New Business:
On the suggestion of the Auditing team, the Board and others working for the Town signed notice UCS-49 acknowledging the right to membership in the public retirement system. Cindy will keep the notices on file.
On a motion made by Lee Brown and seconded by Ed Butler, Resolution #61: BE IT RESOLVED TO increase the pay scale for part-time employees from $16.00 to $17.50. Roll Call vote: Arleen aye, Ed aye, Lee aye. Motion carried.
On a motion made by Lee Brown and seconded by Arleen Colasanto, Resolution #62: BE IT RESOLVED TO offer Gabe Martin $17.50 per hour as a part-time employee, effective August 19, 2024. Roll Call vote: Arleen aye, Lee aye, Ed aye. Motion carried.
On a motion made by Lee Brown and seconded by Ed Butler, Resolution #63: BE IT RESOLVED TO offer Mark Urtz $21.50 per hour as a full-time employee. Roll Call vote: Ed aye, Arleen aye, Lee aye. Motion carried.
On a motion made by Lee Brown and seconded by Ed Butler, Resolution #64: BE IT RESOLVED TO authorize Patrick to purchase a 2.2 cubic yard stainless steel sander unit for the new pickup truck at Palmer's for the installed price of $7720.00. Ed aye, Lee aye, Arleen aye. Motion carried.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting of the Lapeer Town Board will be held on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 at 7:00 PM.
A motion was made by Ed Butler and seconded by Arleen Colasanto to adjourn the meeting. Resolution #65 BE IT RESOLVED, there being no further business, to conclude the meeting at 8:30 PM. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cynthia McFarland
Lapeer Town Clerk
State of New York
County of Cortland
Town of Lapeer
Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Lapeer held at the Town Highway Garage on July 10, 2024
Present: Gary F. Cornell, Supervisor
Ed Butler, Councilman
Lee Brown, Councilman
Arleen Colasanto, Councilwoman
Cindy McFarland, Town Clerk/Tax Collector
Patrick McMahon, Highway Superintendent
Other: Bill McGovern, Legislator; John Tillotson, MAVAC representative
An Open Floor session was held. Bill McGovern stated there was not a lot to report since the Legislature was on a brief summer hiatus.
The Meeting Was Called to Order at 7:12 by Gary Cornell.
Minutes of June 12, 2024 required a change: Original: George recently obtained a $50 permit to construct a pole barn on his property to house his tractors and other vehicles. Change to: George recently obtained a $50 permit to construct a pole barn on his property to house his tractors and machinery.
John Tillotson, the town's MAVAC representative, stopped in to give an update. MAVAC is requesting a grant through the USDA for a new facility, hopefully to be completed by the spring of 2026. The organization has hired a consulting firm for the project. MAVAC responds to approximately 750 calls per year and has hired a 3rd paramedic. They are in need of more ambulance drivers, however.
There was no code enforcer report but a meeting with Duane Pierce, Alan Butler, and Cindy McFarland was held in the Clerk's office on July 2nd. Duane is the ISO representative for Community Hazard Mitigation and was performing an audit of the Code Officer's records and procedures.
There was no dog control report.
There was no justice report.
Cindy McFarland submitted the Clerk monthly report (dog licenses, building permits) and monies ($407.00). There were many new dogs licensed because Cindy has been sending notices to residents who have unlicensed dogs.
Patrick McMahon submitted a highway report:
Patrick reported no repairs or problems with equipment
Running boards are being installed on the new pickup truck. Patrick is also going to check on the price for installation of a new sander for the truck; probably around $7,000.00 at Palmer's in Oxford.
Phillips Road is paved after a storm delay and a few issues with SuitKote.
Current activities involve mowing, patching and hauling winter sand. Waiting for the rental mower which is 3 weeks being schedule.
The new plow truck will probably be delivered in 2025.
The highway employee is still be trained.
A motion was made by Ed Butler and seconded by Lee Brown to acknowledge the receipt of reports. Resolution #53: BE IT RESOLVED TO receive the monthly reports as presented. Roll call vote: Lee aye, Ed aye, Arleen aye. Motion carried.
Vouchers #61 - 69 in the General Fund and #50 - 53 in the Highway Fund
on Abstract #7 for a total amount of $98,720.01 were presented to the Board for auditing and approval. A motion was made by Lee Brown and seconded by Ed Butler to accept the vouchers as true and correct. Resolution #54: BE IT RESOLVED TO pay all vouchers. Roll Call vote: Ed aye, Arleen aye, Lee aye. Motion carried.
Gina Nourse needs to submit monthly budget reports to the Board.
A motion was made by Ed Butler and seconded by Arleen Colasanto to make a budget amendment in the highway fund. Resolution #55: BE IT RESOLVED TO transfer $3,000.00 from highway account DA5130.4 to DA5112.2 for the express purpose of paying SuitKote for paving Phillips Road. Roll call vote: Lee aye, Ed aye, Arleen aye. Motion carried.
Auditor 1, Ward Williams, sent an email memo: after reviewing the Town's policies, procedures and controls over various areas the auditors will now focus their attention on the town's budgeting process for the period January 1, 2021 to April 30, 2024. The process is expected to take another 6 to 8 weeks.
Cortland County Real Property Tax sent notice the Town's option for distribution of sales tax revenues is due by September 1st. The Board would like to keep the sales tax revenue towards the tax levy at $330,000.00 but would like the County to keep all the sales tax until that amount is met, instead of dividing the amount into quarterly payments. Gary and Cindy will draft a letter to Real Property Tax before September 1st.
General Business:
On a motion made by Lee Brown and seconded by Ed Butler, Resolution #56: BE IT RESOLVED TO submit the revised Standard Work Day and Reporting Resolution for Elected and Appointed Officials, form RS2417-A, to New York State and Local Retirement System. Roll Call vote: Arleen aye, Ed aye, Lee aye. Motion carried.
Currently, there are five town officials in the retirement system that track their record of activities: Gary Cornell, Richard Edsall, Cynthia McFarland, Patrick McMahon, and Gina Nourse.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting of the Lapeer Town Board will be held on Wednesday, August 14, 2024 at 7:00 PM.
A motion was made by Ed Butler and seconded by Arleen Colasanto to adjourn the meeting. Resolution #57: BE IT RESOLVED, there being no further business, to conclude the meeting at 8:33 PM. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cynthia McFarland
Lapeer Town Clerk
State of New York
County of Cortland
Town of Lapeer
Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Lapeer held at the Town Highway Garage on June 12, 2024
Present: Gary F. Cornell, Supervisor
Ed Butler, Councilman
Lee Brown, Councilman
Karen Fritts, Councilwoman
Arleen Colasanto, Councilwoman
Cindy McFarland, Town Clerk/Tax Collector
Patrick McMahon, Highway Superintendent
Other: Bill McGovern, Legislator; George Courtney, Jr.; Laurie Tebbe, Town Historian; Grace Augenstern; Richard Edsall, Town Justice
An Open Floor session was held. Bill McGovern discussed the flow control issue with the County landfill. George Courtney questioned the price of agricultural building permits.
The Meeting Was Called to Order at 7:15 by Gary Cornell.
Minutes of May 8, 2024 were verified correct.
Laurie Tebbe introduced Grace Augenstern, her student fellow from Albany University, who is helping to research revolutionary war figures from Lapeer. There will be a presentation of a memorial plaque held at the Cemetery on Highland Rd. on August 2, 2024 honoring Revolutionary War Patriots.
There was no code enforcer report.
There was a dog control report. A stray dog on Parker Street was captured with a trap and taken to the Country Acres facility where it was deemed unadoptable.
There was a justice report. Richard presented 2 checks for court fees: April, $183.00 and May, $168.00. He mentioned he would be sending letters to those people who have unpaid fines as a last ditch effort to collect the fees. Richard was also appointed temporary Judge for the Town of Taylor. Concerning the dangerous dog case in Lapeer: the owner of the dog did not show up for court. The judge could not go into details; the Board could contact the town attorney as to the next step in the process.
Cindy McFarland submitted the Clerk monthly report (dog licenses, marriage license) and monies ($442.50). There were many new dogs licensed because Cindy has been sending notices to residents who have unlicensed dogs. She also submitted a check for $ 420.65 for interest on tax bills paid in May. She settled with the County on June 11, 2024, returning 24 unpaid parcels.
Patrick McMahon submitted a highway report:
Amnesty Day produced 9 loads that went to the landfill and one load that was
taken to the recycle center in Cortland.
The new pickup truck is on site but not yet licensed.
Patrick and Gary finished the NYMIR renewal application for insurance.
Current activities involve normal road maintenance and helping other towns
Patrick questioned how he was going to figure his operating budget without the monthly budget reports from Gina to show the balances in the highway accounts
A motion was made by Lee Brown and seconded by Karen Fritts to acknowledge the receipt of reports. Resolution #49: BE IT RESOLVED TO receive the monthly reports as presented. Roll call vote: Karen aye, Lee aye, Ed aye, Arleen aye. Motion carried.
Vouchers #48 - 60 in the General Fund and # 40 – 49 in the Highway Fund on Abstract #6 for a total amount of $37,002.61 were presented to the Board for auditing and approval. A motion was made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Ed Butler to accept the vouchers as true and correct. Resolution #50: BE IT RESOLVED TO pay all vouchers. Roll Call vote: Ed aye, Arleen aye, Karen aye, Lee aye. Motion carried.
Gina Nourse needs to submit monthly budget reports to the Board.
Cortland County Finance (formerly Treasurer's office) sent a $7,170.85 check for mortgage tax for the period October 2023 to March 2024. A letter is attached to the minutes as to how the mortgage tax is calculated by the county clerk.
The same office sent a 1st quarter sales tax check for $23,850.00. Cindy contacted Andrea Herzog, finance director, to question why the sales tax was not being applied to the county levy and why the town was receiving quarterly payments. Apparently, it was an oversight on their office and will be corrected next quarter.
NBT Bank sent notice informing the Town that the 3 month CD for $150,000.00 will expire June 14, 2024. The interest earned over the 3 month period was just over $1900.00.
General Business:
On a motion made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Ed Butler, Resolution #51: BE IT RESOLVED TO deposit both the mortgage tax check of $7,170.85 and the 1st quarter sales tax check of $23,850.00 into the general fund savings account. Roll Call vote: Lee aye, Arleen aye, Karen aye, Ed aye. Motion carried.
On a motion made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Ed Butler, Resolution #52: BE IT RESOLVED TO renew the $150,000.00 CD from NBT bank for another 3 months.
Roll Call vote: Ed aye, Karen aye, Arleen aye, Lee aye. Motion carried. Gary and Lee will sign the necessary forms at the bank.
There was a discussion with George concerning building permits for agricultural buildings. George recently obtained a $50 permit to construct a pole barn on his property to house his tractors and other vehicles. He now questions the price of the permit stating that the building should be considered agricultural since it's for his tractors and he has a farm exemption because he leases his land to a local farmer. The town ordinance states a [$10 paperwork fee] shall be required for Agricultural Buildings used solely for the Raising, Growing, or Storage of agricultural products by a farmer engaged in a farming operation. Section 13(h), Local Law #2 of 2022. Since George is not a farmer the permit price of $50 is warranted.
George would like a refund of his $50 and states he will not build the barn. Karen suggested the Board drop the price to the $10 paperwork fee. Arleen abstained from any decisions. Lee and Ed said George is not a farmer and the $50 price should stand. Gary said other towns and organizations did not require permits and got away with a lot of the statutes required by NYS law. No decision was made as the Board could not come to an agreement. Gary may try and obtain a refund for $50 from Gina.
The Town of Lapeer is being audited by the State Comptroller's Office.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting of the Lapeer Town Board will be held on Wednesday, July 10, 2024 at 7:00 PM.
A motion was made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Arleen Colasanto to adjourn the meeting. Resolution #52: BE IT RESOLVED, there being no further business, to conclude the meeting at 8:39 PM. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cynthia McFarland
Lapeer Town Clerk
State of New York
County of Cortland
Town of Lapeer
Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Lapeer held at the Town Highway Garage on May 8 2024
Present: Gary F. Cornell, Supervisor
Ed Butler, Councilman
Lee Brown, Councilman
Arleen Colasanto, Councilwoman
Cindy McFarland, Town Clerk/Tax Collector
Patrick McMahon, Highway Superintendent
The Meeting Was Called to Order at 7:04 by Gary Cornell.
Minutes of April 10, 2024 were verified correct.
There was no code enforcer report.
There was no dog control report. There was no information on the dangerous dog problem and the court appearance.
There was no justice report.
Cindy McFarland submitted the Clerk monthly report (dog licenses) and monies ($92.00). She also submitted a check for $639.85 for interest on tax bills paid in April.
Patrick McMahon submitted a highway report:
The new town truck was taken to Oxford for the dumpbox installation and is completed. The 2018 truck needs to be stripped and retired.
Big trucks and grader are ready for summer work and the gradall is fixed.
Other activities include patching roads, repairing driveway entrances, prepping for Amnesty Day
A motion was made by Lee Brown and seconded by Ed Butler to
acknowledge the receipt of reports. Resolution #46: BE IT RESOLVED TO receive the monthly reports as presented. Roll call vote: Lee aye, Ed aye, Arleen aye. Motion carried.
Patrick McMahon submitted a voucher for reimbursement for office supplies he purchased from WalMart. The bookkeeper told Gary that he was entitled to sales tax compensation so the reimbursement was reflected in Patrick's check.
Vouchers #41 - 47 in the General Fund and #32 - 39 in the Highway Fund
on Abstract #5 for a total amount of $62,282.20 were presented to the Board for auditing and approval. A motion was made by Ed Butler and seconded by Lee Brown to accept the vouchers as true and correct. Resolution #47: BE IT RESOLVED TO pay all vouchers. Roll Call vote: Ed aye, Arleen aye, Lee aye. Motion carried.
Gina Nourse needs to submit monthly budget reports to the Board.
The NYS Association of Towns sent a certificate for proof of membership, 2024.
The NYS Comptroller sent notice that the Governor has amended legislation to allow Fire Departments and Ambulance Services to charge fees for their services. Lapeer has already been paying fees for years and Gary will check with John Tillotson for further details.
Weitsman's sent a check for scrap metal for $148.50.
Old Business:
There was a clerical error on Form RS 2419, Recertification of Records Activities for the Standard Workday Resolution. Cindy will resubmit the Resolution to the NYS Comptroller.
The Board discussed the current bookkeeper and the likelihood of replacing her for someone more local.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting of the Lapeer Town Board will be held on Wednesday, June 12, 2024 at 7:00 PM.
A motion was made by Arleen Colasanto and seconded by Ed Butler to adjourn the meeting. Resolution #48: BE IT RESOLVED, there being no further business, to conclude the meeting at 8:10 PM. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cynthia McFarland
Lapeer Town Clerk
State of New York
County of Cortland
Town of Lapeer
Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Lapeer held at the Town Highway Garage on April 10, 2024
Present: Gary F. Cornell, Supervisor
Ed Butler, Councilman
Lee Brown, Councilman
Karen Fritts, Councilwoman
Arleen Colasanto, Councilwoman
Cindy McFarland, Town Clerk/Tax Collector
Patrick McMahon, Highway Superintendent
Residents: Richard Edsall, Town Justice; Will Travis, Michael Bryan
Other: Bill McGovern, County Legislator; Laurie Tebbe, Town Historian
There was an Open Session in which the Board heard from Will Travis and Michael Bryan concerning recent attacks on their dogs from a neighboring dog-at-large. (Refer to the 12/29/23 minutes: Gary was contacted by town attorney, Dante Armideo, about an upcoming trial concerning the dangerous dogs-at-large on Parker Street. On a motion made by Ed Butler and seconded by Lee Brown, Resolution #80: BE IT RESOLVED TO grant permission to Dante Armideo to pursue the prosecution of the dangerous dogs-at-large at a trial scheduled for the end of the month. Roll call vote: Karen aye, Glenn aye, Ed aye, Lee aye. Motion carried.) The dogs just attacked again and still run-at-large. The Judge stressed the importance of filing a complaint with Country Acres to produce an appearance ticket and have supporting eye witnesses/statements. Will and Michael will file a complaint.
The Meeting Was Called to Order at 7:30 by Gary Cornell.
Minutes of March 13, 2024 were verified correct.
There was no code enforcer report. There was no dog control report.
Cindy McFarland submitted the Clerk monthly report (dog licenses) and monies ($44.00). She also submitted a check for $526.27 for interest on tax bills paid in March.
Richard Edsall reported no fines for April. He is also helping a new judge in Taylor.
Laurie Tebbe presented a report.
With grant money from the Gardiner Foundation, she purchased an Historical Marker bronze plaque for the Royal Johnson Stagecoach Inn (aka Royal Johnson House) currently owned by Keith and Grace Stone.
Also, from a grant from the Gardiner Foundation, Laurie will have an assistant to help her with research during the summer: a student fellow from Albany University.
Joseph Michael Clark contacted Laurie concerning placing a headstone in the cemetery on Quail Hollow Rd./Clarks Corners Rd. in memory of his father. There would be no burial, just a stone marker placed next to his great grandparents.
Patrick McMahon submitted a highway report:
Gabe Martin was hired 4/8/24.
Matthews Chevrolet notified Patrick 4/10/24 that the new town truck arrived
Many trees and limbs down from recent high winds
Will be fixing the leak in Gradall
A motion was made by Lee Brown and seconded by Karen Fritts to acknowledge the receipt of reports. Resolution #41: BE IT RESOLVED TO receive the monthly reports as presented. Roll call vote: Lee aye, Karen aye, Ed aye, Arleen aye. Motion carried.
Patrick McMahon submitted a voucher for reimbursement for office supplies he purchased from WalMart. There was some discussion as to whether he was entitled to reimbursement of the sales tax on that purchase. Gary stated municipalities do not pay sales tax while Karen stated he was entitled to the compensation. The voucher was submitted with no reimbursement of tax.
Vouchers #31 - 40 in the General Fund and #23 - 31 in the Highway Fund on Abstract #4 for a total amount of $15,313.76 were presented to the Board for auditing and approval. A motion was made by Arleen Colasanto and seconded by Ed Butler to accept the vouchers as true and correct. Resolution #42: BE IT RESOLVED TO pay all vouchers. Roll Call vote: Karen aye, Ed aye, Arleen aye, Lee aye. Motion carried.
Karen stated once again that Gina Nourse needs to submit monthly budget reports to the Board.
The Cortland County Highway Committee sent notice that municipalities should recommend against allowing ATV/UTV usage on County roads as it is a violation of Vehicle and Traffic Law. The Board agreed it was the duty of law enforcement to enforce these violations.
Old Business:
On a motion made by Ed Butler and seconded by Lee Brown, Resolution #43: BE IT RESOLVED TO appoint Jeri DuVall as Town Attorney. Roll Call vote: Karen aye, Lee aye, Arleen aye, Ed aye. Motion carried. Jeri requires $3500.00 as a retainer. Cindy will return the signed contract with the retainer. She will also notify Dante Armideo that his service is no longer required.
New Business:
A motion was made by Lee Brown and seconded by Ed Butler to hold Amnesty Day. Resolution #44: BE IT RESOLVED TO hold Lapeer's Amnesty Day on Saturday, May 11th and Monday, May 13th. Roll call vote: Ed aye, Karen aye, Lee aye, Arleen aye. Motion carried. Cindy will place an ad in the Cortland Standard and signage in her office and at the highway garage.
The 3 month calendar for the Standard Workday Report for elected and appointed officials as required by the NYS Retirement System was submitted by Patrick McMahon. Cindy, Gary, and Richard signed Form RS 2419 Recertification of Records Activities. Cindy will submit the Resolution to the NYS Comptroller and post the document in her office.
The Board agreed that Joseph Michael Clark could place a marker/headstone in the cemetery at the intersection of Quail Hollow Rd. and Clarks Corner's Rd. as long as there was no digging involved and it didn't interfere with general cemetery maintenance. Laurie Tebbe will notify Mr. Clark.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting of the Lapeer Town Board will be held on Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 7:00 PM.
A motion was made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Ed Butler to adjourn the meeting. Resolution #45: BE IT RESOLVED, there being no further business, to conclude the meeting at 8:47 PM. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cynthia McFarland
Lapeer Town Clerk
State of New York
County of Cortland
Town of Lapeer
Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Lapeer held at the Town Highway Garage on March 13, 2024
Present: Gary F. Cornell, Supervisor
Ed Butler, Councilman
Lee Brown, Councilman
Karen Fritts, Councilwoman
Arleen Colasanto, Councilwoman
Cindy McFarland, Town Clerk/Tax Collector
Patrick McMahon, Highway Superintendent
Residents: Richard Edsall, Town Justice
Other: Bill McGovern, County Legislator
There was a brief Open Session in which Bill McGovern commented on an upcoming meeting in Marathon on Strategic Planning for the County with Planning Director Trisha Hiemstra. He also mentioned the Buildings and Grounds Committee announced another Amnesty Day is proposed with the town receiving $2700.00 in credit. Also, Freetown received a $170,00.00 grant towards a salt shed with the aid of Cortland County Soil and Water. He suggested Patrick contact Amanda Barber for more details. Finally, there was a discussion about the proposed new jail, it's progress or lack thereof.
The Meeting Was Called to Order at 7:12 by Gary Cornell.
Auditing of Town Justice Books:
Judge Richard Edsall presented the Town Court documents for review by the Board.
Using the Appendix 10 – Annual Checklist for Review of Justice Court Records form from the Justice Court Handbook, the Board reviewed Judge Edsall’s procedures and paperwork in regards to cash receipts and disbursements, bank reconciliations, dockets and case files, and reports to Criminal Justice Services and Court Fund.
The Board continues to be pleased with Richard Edsall's performance and dedication.
A motion was then made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Ed Butler to accept the audit. Resolution #35: BE IT RESOLVED TO accept the Town Justice’s audit as true and correct. Roll call vote: Karen aye, Lee aye, Ed aye. Arleen aye. Motion carried.
Cindy will forward the resolution and audit to NYS Unified Court System as requested by Joan Casazza of the Internal Audit Services.
Minutes of February 14, 2024 were verified correct.
There was no code enforcer report.
A dog control report was sent confirming a violation of the leash law and an adoption of a stray.
Cindy McFarland submitted the Clerk monthly report (dog licenses) and monies ($49.00). She also submitted a check for $612.78 for interest on tax bills paid in February.
Richard Edsall submitted a $240.00 check for February court fees. He also mentioned the grant from September 2023 to remodel the Marathon court building was granted.
Patrick McMahon submitted a highway report:
He interviewed two candidates for the highway position and received one resume. He continues to advertise the position.
Various issues include an oil leak on the gradall and the need for electrical parts on the sander for the 2018 truck
Other activities included sweeping intersections; hauling #1's; clean up from wind damage; plowing & sanding
Ron's Body Shop returned the town check for the inspection on the 2018 truck as already being paid. The Board is confused as to the mix-up.
A motion was made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Ed Butler to acknowledge the receipt of reports. Resolution #36: BE IT RESOLVED TO receive the monthly reports as presented. Roll call vote: Arleen aye, Karen aye, Ed aye, Lee aye. Motion carried.
Vouchers # 24 – 30 in the General Fund and # 17 – 22 in the Highway Fund on Abstract #3 for a total amount of $6,111.45 were presented to the Board for auditing and approval. A motion was made by Lee Brown and seconded by Ed Butler to accept the vouchers as true and correct. Resolution #37: BE IT RESOLVED TO pay all vouchers. Roll Call vote: Ed aye, Karen aye, Arleen aye, Lee aye. Motion carried.
Cortland County IDA sent a check for $185.01 for Lapeer's share of the PILOT agreement between the IDA and the New York Susquehanna & Western Railroad. This is down from the 2023 amount of $375.28 as payments are based on rail line usage for the year; when rail traffic exceeds 7,000 cars, payments are required. Usage is largely due to the use of the railroad by Suit-Kote.
The Cortland County Finance Office (formerly, the County Treasurer's Office) sent a 4th quarter sales tax check for 2023 in the amount of $24,129.43.
Old Business:
Cindy reminded the Board that the Town needs an attorney. Gary will contact Jeri DuVall at Perfetti Law for suggestions.
Gary and Lee met with Kelly at NBT Bank to discuss investing in CD's. Current municipal rates are: 3 month at 5%, 6 months at 4.75%, and 12 months at 4.5%. All would have manual renewals.
Lee explained the Money Market Savings plan for municipalities. The interest rate changes daily and is currently 5%. The account operates as a savings account in that the Town would have access to the monies at any time.
Based on this information, a motion was made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Lee Brown for Resolution #38: BE IT RESOLVED TO invest $250,000.00 from the highway savings account in a 6 month CD; invest $150,000.00 from the general savings account in a 3 month CD; and invest $100,00.00 from the general savings account in a 12 month CD. Motion carried by roll call vote:
Karen Fritts aye, Ed Butler aye, Lee Brown aye , Arleen Colasanto aye
Another motion was made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Lee Brown for Resolution #39: BE IT RESOLVED TO move the remaining $347,725.00 from the general savings account and the remaining $359,029.00 from the highway savings account into a MoneyMarket savings account. Motion carried by roll call vote:
Karen Fritts aye, Arleen Colasanto aye, Lee Brown aye, Ed Butler aye
Gary and Lee will set up a time to meet with Kelly Givens at NBT bank and process the necessary paperwork.
New Business:
Gina Nourse, town budget officer, received an email from Patrick (supposedly) to change his automatic deposit information. The email did not come from Patrick and hence his last 3 paychecks were not deposited in NBT bank. Gina contacted Cortland City Police and they will investigate the matter and attempt to trace the money. The Board will authorize new checks for Patrick.
Patrick will be in touch with Amanda Barber from Cortland County Soil and Water concerning a grant for a salt shed.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting of the Lapeer Town Board will be held on Wednesday, April 10, 2024 at 7:00 PM.
A motion was made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Arleen Colasanto to adjourn the meeting. Resolution #40: BE IT RESOLVED, there being no further business, to conclude the meeting at 9:08 PM. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cynthia McFarland
Lapeer Town Clerk
State of New York
County of Cortland
Town of Lapeer
Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Lapeer held at the Town Highway Garage on February 14, 2024
Present: Gary F. Cornell, Supervisor
Ed Butler, Councilman
Lee Brown, Councilman
Karen Fritts, Councilwoman
Cindy McFarland, Town Clerk/Tax Collector
Patrick McMahon, Highway Superintendent
Residents: James and Jill Washburn; Richard Edsall, Town Justice
Other: Bill McGovern, County Legislator
A Public Hearing Concerning the tax cap levy override was called to order at 7:02 PM by Lee Brown, Deputy Supervisor. A brief recap of the override was explained. On a motion made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Ed Butler Resolution #29: BE IT RESOLVED TO close the public hearing at 7:07. Roll call vote: Karen aye, Ed aye, Lee aye. Motion carried.
There was a brief Open Session in which Bill McGovern commented on an upcoming Soil and Water Conservation workshop. He also mentioned the County wanting to change the sales tax distribution methods.
Jill Washburn questioned zoning in the Town especially concerning a junk law ordinance.
The Meeting Was Called to Order at 7:15 by Gary Cornell.
Minutes of January 10, 2024 were verified correct but adjustments to the final budget amendments of December 2023 are listed under Financial.
There was no code enforcer report.
A dog control report was sent confirming intake of a stray
Richard Edsall will plan on presenting his books for audit next meeting. He also submitted 3 checks for fines: December 2023, $20.00; January 2024, $150.00; and an unpaid amount of $130.00 from June, 2021.
Cindy McFarland submitted the Clerk monthly report (dog licenses, building permit) and monies ($301.00).
Cindy submitted 3 checks totaling $555,643.00 for the 2024 tax warrant: general fund, $158,884.00; highway fund, $288,740.00; and fire district, $108,019.00. She also reported having enough funds to send the County Treasurer $75,000.00 towards their portion of the warrant.
Cindy also reported having a very busy end of January. 30 residents took advantage of the partial payment plan and several chose to use the online options. 452 out of 559 tax bills were paid (partial and full).
Patrick McMahon submitted a highway report:
Employee Mark Urtz gave notice. He will resign effective 3/29/24.
Various repairs included brakes, heater failure, hydraulic hose, bedchain issues and air regulator problems.
Other activities included painting the overhead door in bay 3, cleaning the shop, plowing/sanding, oil leak repair on loader and pothole patching
Matthew's called about the Town's decision on purchasing a new truck. The Board discussed selling the current pickup vs. trading it in. With only 55,420 miles, the pickup would probably sell for a decent amount.
A motion was made by Lee Brown and seconded by Karen Fritts to acknowledge the receipt of reports. Resolution #30: BE IT RESOLVED TO receive the monthly reports as presented. Roll call vote: Karen aye, Ed aye, Lee aye. Motion carried.
Final Budget Amendments as of 12/31/23
A1310.4 (Budget Officer Contractual) -$239.47
A1330.4 (Tax Collection Contractual) -$1001.45
A1355.4 (Assessor Contractual) -$23.76
A1410.4 (Town Clerk Contractual) -$131.89
A3510.4 (Dog Control Contractual) -$400.00
A7550.4 (Celebrations Contractual) -$47.88
A9030.8 (FICA) -$303.68
A9040.8 (Worker's Comp) -$13,712.00
A9060.8 (Health Ins.) -$772.95
Total -$16,633.08
Vouchers #9 - 23 in the General Fund and #4 - 16 in the Highway Fund on Abstract #2 for a total amount of $29,709.60 and #20 in the Fire Service Fund (SF3410.4) for $108,019.00 were presented to the Board for auditing and approval. A motion was made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Ed Butler to accept the vouchers as true and correct. Resolution #31: BE IT RESOLVED TO pay all vouchers. Roll Call vote: Ed aye, Karen aye, Lee aye. Motion carried.
Karen mentioned investing a portion of the Town's savings into a CD; the interest earned over 5 or 6 months could be a substantial amount. Gary will contact Kelly at NBT for an appointment to discuss this.
Cortland County IDA sent a check for $7,257.88 as the 4th payment of the Lapeer Cortland Solar PILOT payment. This amount represents 16.13% of the total yearly tax due ($45,000.00). Cortland County receives 35.86%, Marathon School receives 47.12%, and the Library receives .90%. Payments
will end September, 2049.
The form for the extension of time to collect taxes to May 31, 2024 was received. Cindy will fill it out and submit to the treasurer's office.
NYS Ag and Markets sent notice of the Inspection Report for Country Acres. No issues were found.
The Cortland County Civil Service department is requesting employee listings as of December 31, 2023 with regards to name, title, and pay rate. This is a requirement by the State as part of their annual report. Cindy will contact the office.
The Office of the State Comptroller sent notice that the Property Tax Cap form has not been filed. It is supposed to be filed prior to budget adoption.
Old Business:
Cindy reminded the Board that the Town needs an attorney. Gary will contact Jeri DuVall at Perfetti Law for suggestions.
New Business:
A motion was made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Lee Brown to override the tax levy limit in order to protect the taxpayers against possible penalties due to miscalculation or misinterpretation of the tax cap levy and/or inadvertent error in preparing the 2025 budget. Resolution #32: BE IT RESOLVED TO adopt a budget for the fiscal year 2025 that requires a real property tax levy in excess of the tax cap. Motion carried by roll call vote:
Ed Butler aye Karen Fritts aye Lee Brown aye
Cindy will write up the local law to present to the Secretary of State.
A motion was made by Ed Butler and seconded by Lee Brown to purchase a new pickup truck. Resolution #33: BE IT RESOLVED TO purchase from Matthew's a 2024 or 2025 one ton dually for approximately the quoted price given in December, 2023 of $49,605.00; and a box from Palmer's in Oxford for $15,850.00. Motion carried by roll call vote:
Karen Fritts aye Ed Butler aye Lee Brown aye
Next Meeting:
The next meeting of the Lapeer Town Board will be held on Wednesday, March 13, 2023 at 7:00 PM.
A motion was made by Karen Fritts and seconded by to adjourn the meeting. Resolution #34: BE IT RESOLVED, there being no further business, to conclude the meeting at 8:43 PM. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cynthia McFarland
Lapeer Town Clerk
State of New York
County of Cortland
Town of Lapeer
Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Lapeer held at the Town Highway Garage on January 10, 2024
Present: Lee Brown, Deputy Supervisor
Ed Butler, Councilman
Arleen Colasanto, Councilwoman
Karen Fritts, Councilwoman
Cindy McFarland, Town Clerk/Tax Collector
Patrick McMahon, Highway Superintendent
Other: Bill McGovern, Legislator
There was an open floor session in which Bill McGovern announced his intention to attend future town meetings to update us on County affairs.
The Meeting Was Called to Order at 7:20 by Lee Brown.
Minutes of December 13, 2023 and December 27, 2023 were verified correct.
There were no reports from Dog Control Officer, Justice, or Code Officer.
Cindy submitted a year-end financial report covering all Town Clerk activities for 2023 and her checkbook registers (spreadsheets).
She also submitted a $71.22 check to close out the tax collection account for 2023 and a $16.00 check to close out the town clerk account for 2023.
A $230.00 check for dog licenses and a building permit was given with the monthly report.
Patrick presented his highway report:
Per NYMIR, disconnect switches were installed on the Gradall and the John Deere 301. Paperwork will be mailed to NYMIR per their request. Both vehicles were also serviced and/or repaired.
Patrick will also forward to NYMIR the Local Law #2 for 2019 Notification of Defects and Obstructions on Town Highways, Bridges, Streets, Sidewalks, Crosswalks, and Culverts in the Town of Lapeer.
There was a discussion about salt sheds. The first quote received was $308,000.00 and the second one was $244,747.00. The first quote will see a price increase of 15% in February. Further discussion concerned a salt shed vs. a new town barn.
The Board will wait for Gary to be in attendance before discussing a new pick-up.
Further work involved plowing and sanding and building racks for road signs.
A motion was made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Ed Butler to acknowledge the receipt of reports. Resolution #1: BE IT RESOLVED TO receive the monthly
reports as presented. Roll call vote: Karen aye, Ed aye, Arleen aye. Motion carried.
Adoption of Resolutions:
Resolution #2: BE IT RESOLVED TO hold the regular monthly board meetings for 2023 on the second Wednesday of each month at the Lapeer Highway Garage at 7:00 PM, dates as follow:
February 14, March 13, April 10, May 8, June 12, July 10, August 14, September 11, October 9, November 6, December 11 & 30 and January 8, 2025.
Cindy will place a notice in the newspaper.
Resolution #3: BE IT RESOLVED TO appoint Cindy McFarland as Vital Statistics Registrar and Records Management Officer for the year 2024.
Resolution #4: BE IT RESOLVED TO appoint Dick Drake, Jr., Jeff Parker, and Jim Jennison as the Board of Review for 2024
Resolution #5: BE IT RESOLVED TO designate NBT Bank, Marathon as the official Town depository.
Resolution #6: BE IT RESOLVED TO designate The Cortland Standard as the official Town newspaper for 2024.
Resolution #7: BE IT RESOLVED TO designate Marathon Fire Department as the official Town fire department for 2024.
Resolution #8: BE IT RESOLVED TO appoint Dante Armideo as the Town attorney for 2024.
Resolution #9: BE IT RESOLVED TO appoint Alan Butler as Code Enforcer for 2024.
Resolution #10: BE IT RESOLVED TO appoint Lee Brown as Lapeer’s Deputy Supervisor for the year 2024.
Resolution #11: BE IT RESOLVED TO appoint Frances J. Butler as Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector for the year 2024.
Resolution #12: BE IT RESOLVED TO authorize the Town Supervisor to invest funds in accordance to written policy, adopted by the Town Board April 9, 1996, for the year 2024.
Resolution #13: BE IT RESOLVED TO authorize the Town Supervisor to use the State Comptroller’s annual financial report in lieu of the Supervisor’s financial reports of Receipts and Disbursements and file said report with the Town Clerk as soon as received, for the year 2024.
Resolution #14: BE IT RESOLVED TO authorize the Town Supervisor to pay salaries, claims for utilities, telephone services, postage, freight, and express charges in advance of audit for the year 2024.
Resolution #15: BE IT RESOLVED TO extend the time for collection of taxes until May 31, 2024.
Resolution #16: BE IT RESOLVED TO authorize the Tax Collector to impose a $2.00 fee to cover the expense of mailing delinquent tax notices to property owners, pursuant to section 987(1) of the Real Property Tax Law, for the year 2024.
Resolution #17: BE IT RESOLVEDTO pay salaries once per month to the elected Town Officials, excluding the Highway Superintendent who will be paid bi-weekly, and pay the December salary the first pay period of December.
Resolution #18: BE IT RESOLVED TO donate $150.00 to Osco Robinson American Legion of Marathon for the year 2024. The money will be used for the placing of flags on veterans’ graves.
Resolution #19: BE IT RESOLVED TO appoint town resident, John Tillotson, as Lapeer’s representative to the monthly meetings of the MAVAC for 2024.
Resolution #20: BE IT RESOLVED TO pay the Board of Review for Grievance Day 2024 at the following board meeting after receipt of voucher .
Resolution #21: BE IT RESOLVED TO appoint Laurie Tebbe as Lapeer Town Historian for 2024 and pay her by voucher.
Resolution #22: BE IT RESOLVED TO appoint the building committee for 2024: John Colasanto, Paul Robinson, Glenn Fritts, and Edward Butler.
Resolution #23: BE IT RESOLVED TO appoint the code of ethics committee for 2024: Clifford Glezen, Lee Brown, and John Colasanto.
Resolution #24: BE IT RESOLVED TO appoint Brett Padbury as Deputy Highway Superintendent for 2024.
Resolution #25: BE IT RESOLVED TO accept all aforementioned resolutions for 2024. A motion was made by Ed Butler and seconded by Arleen Colasanto to approve and accept resolutions # 2 through #24. Roll call vote: Ed aye, Karen aye, Arleen aye. Motion carried.
Vouchers # 1- 8 in the General Fund, # 1- 3 in the Highway Fund on Abstract #1
for a total amount of $13,370.41 were presented to the Board for auditing and approval. A motion was made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Ed Butler to accept the vouchers as true and correct. Resolution #26: BE IT RESOLVED TO pay all vouchers. Roll Call vote: Ed aye, Arleen aye, Karen aye. Motion carried.
The Board reviewed the December 2023 Monthly Report of Townwide Details of Expenditures and Revenues left by Gina Nourse. They were concerned about the negative balances left in the following line items:
A1310.4 (Budget Officer Contractual) -$239.47
A1330.4 (Tax Collection Contractual) -$1001.45
A1355.4 (Assessor Contractual) -$23.76
A1410.4 (Town Clerk Contractual) -$131.89
A3510.4 (Dog Control Contractual) -$400.00
A7550.4 (Celebrations Contractual) -$47.88
A9030.8 (FICA) -$303.68
A9040.8 (Worker's Comp) -$12,712.00
Total -$16,632.38
Cindy will contact Gina for clarification.
New Business:
On a motion made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Ed Butler, Resolution #27: BE IT RESOLVED TO hold a public hearing on February 14, 2024 at 7:00 PM to override the 2025 tax cap levy and adopt a local law. Roll Call vote: Ed aye, Arleen aye, Karen aye. Motion carried. Cindy will place notice in The Cortland Standard.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting of the Lapeer Town Board will be held on Wednesday, February 14, 2024 at 7:00 PM.
A motion was made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Ed Butler to adjourn the meeting. Resolution #28: BE IT RESOLVED, there being no further business, to conclude the meeting at 8:40 PM. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cynthia McFarland
Lapeer Town Clerk
State of New York
County of Cortland
Town of Lapeer
Minutes of the year-end meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Lapeer held at the Town Highway Garage on December 27, 2023
Present: Gary F. Cornell, Supervisor
Lee Brown, Councilman
Glenn Fritts, Councilman
Karen Fritts, Councilwoman
Ed Butler, Councilman
Cindy McFarland, Clerk/Collector
Patrick McMahon, Highway Superintendent
Gina Nourse, Budget Officer (PT)
Cindy McFarland swore into office the following newly elected officials for 2024: Gary Cornell, Lee Brown, Patrick McMahon, Arleen Colasanto, and appointed bookkeeper Gina Nourse.
The Meeting Was Called to Order at 7:00 by Gary Cornell.
On a motion made by Ed Butler and seconded by Lee Brown, Resolution #83: BE IT RESOLVED TO authorize Gina Nourse as Town Budget Officer (PT) to transfer money to cover all minor negative balances. Roll Call vote: Ed aye, Lee aye, Karen aye, Glenn aye. Motion carried.
Vouchers #111 - 117 in the General Fund and #80 - 82 in the Highway Fund on Abstract #13 for a total amount of $19,642.81 were presented to the Board for auditing and approval. All vouchers were approved and signed. A motion was made by Glenn Fritts and seconded by Lee Brown to accept the vouchers as true and correct. Resolution #84: BE IT RESOLVED TO pay all vouchers. Roll Call vote: Glenn aye, Lee aye, Ed aye, Karen aye. Motion carried.
On a suggestion by Glenn Fritts it was decided to pay Perma (Workman's Comp tail-end payment) from the 2023 budget instead of 2024's budget.
Other Business:
Dante Armideo sent notice of his desire to resign as town attorney once the Board has found a replacement. He cites an increase in his practice as the reason.
Cindy received an email from Sarah Brancatella, NYS Association of Towns counsel, regarding signed legislation by the Governor changing election years for most towns from odd to even years to coincide with national and statewide elections. This will not impact the 2023 election but for those who choose to run again in 2027 the term will be 3 years. Then, in 2030, the term will return to 4 years.
Gary and the Board thanked Glenn for his term in office.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting of the Lapeer Town Board will be held on Wednesday, January 10, 2024 at 7:00 PM.
A motion was made by Ed Butler and seconded by Glenn Fritts to adjourn the meeting. Resolution #85: BE IT RESOLVED, there being no further business, to conclude the meeting at 7:45 PM. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cynthia McFarland
Lapeer Town Clerk
State of New York
County of Cortland
Town of Lapeer
Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Lapeer held at the Town Highway Garage on December 13, 2023
Present: Gary F. Cornell, Supervisor
Ed Butler, Councilman
Lee Brown, Councilman
Karen Fritts, Councilwoman
Glenn Fritts, Councilman
Cindy McFarland, Town Clerk/Tax Collector
Patrick McMahon, Highway Superintendent
Laurie Tebbe, Town Historian
Others: Kelley Boutoille, Linda Burghardt, Holly Gruskay
There was an open session in which Kelley Boutoille, Linda Burghardt, and Holly Gruskay, volunteers from the New York Citizen's Audit group, spoke about the 2020 General Election: A Study in Deficits and the 2022 General Election & The Reign of Error. Information is attached to the Minutes.
The Meeting Was Called to Order at 7:33 by Gary Cornell. Minutes of November 8, 2023 were verified correct.
There was no Code Enforcer Report
There was no Justice Report
Country Acres sent a report in which a stray was picked up on I81 and later redeemed. Also, leash law violations were assessed: one, a warning of a dog-at-large and two, a referral concerning a bite incident.
Laurie Tebbe provided a written report of her activities as town historian, including meetings, research, and archiving. The report is attached to the Minutes.
Cindy McFarland submitted the monthly report for November (dog licenses, building permits) and monies ($242.00). She will swear in newly-elected officials at the next board meeting.
The Highway Superintendent’s monthly report was passed around to the Board.
It is proving difficult to find 1 ton pickup trucks. Currently the best price is at Matthew's for $49,605.00 plus the cost of a box.
A bid for a salt shed was $308,000.00 plus the cost of foundation and drainage.
A contract for the new plow truck was received. The contract states the truck will be a 2023. However, the Board approved the purchase of a new plow truck on 2/8/23 in the following resolution:
A motion was made by Ed Butler and seconded by Lee Brown to purchase a plow truck from Allegiance trucks in Syracuse with the stipulation in writing that the order could be canceled if needed. Resolution #35: BE IT RESOLVED TO purchase a 2025 International 10 wheeler with a Viking snowplow package at the guaranteed current price of $253,000.00. Motion carried by roll call vote:
Ed Butler aye Karen Fritts aye
Glenn Fritts aye Lee Brown aye
which states a 2025 model. Gary and Patrick will question Phil Brigandi as to the discrepanc
4. Patrick will rent a mower tractor for July 2024. The price will be $7800.00 plus new blades (approx. $300.00) for 4 weeks.
A motion was made by Lee Brown and seconded by Ed Butler to acknowledge the receipt of reports. Resolution #77: BE IT RESOLVED TO receive the monthly reports as presented. Roll call vote: Glenn aye, Karen aye, Lee aye, Ed aye. Motion carried.
There was no monthly report from Gina.
Vouchers # 97 – 110 in the General Fund and #69 - 79 in the Highway Fund on Abstract #12 for a total amount of $8,443.79 were presented to the Board for auditing and approval. A motion was made by Glenn Fritts and seconded by Karen Fritts to accept the vouchers as true and correct. Resolution #78: BE IT RESOLVED TO pay all vouchers. Roll call vote: Lee aye, Glenn aye, Karen aye, Ed aye. Motion carried.
NYSDOT sent notice that the town needs to update its annual maintenance permit which expires 1/1/2024. No work of any kind in the right-of-ways of state roads is to be performed without this permit.
A Notification to Municipality form from the Office of Cannabis Management was submitted by Jeffrey Myers, Jr. of Valentine Hill Rd. He has filed an application for license to open a microbusiness for growing cannabis on his property under the business name of Myers Family Farm,LLC. It will not be a dispensary, retail or otherwise.
MAVAC sent the 2024 contract. Gary will sign and mail.
New Business:
* A motion was made by Lee Brown and seconded by Glenn Fritts to support the New York Citizen's Audit Group. Resolution #79: BE IT RESOLVED THAT Lapeer, NY stands in support with the concerns and remedies presented by the New York Citizen's Audit and we implore the Cortland County Legislature, NYS and Federal Legislatures, Law Enforcement, Federal and State Prosecutors, Judges, and State and County Boards of Elections to cooperate and fulfill the requests of the people. Roll call vote: Lee aye, Glenn aye, Karen aye, Ed aye. Motion carried.
The full resolution will be attached to the minutes. The volunteers at the meeting will receive a signed copy.
* Gary was contacted by town attorney, Dante Armideo, about an upcoming trial concerning the dangerous dogs-at-large on Parker Street. On a motion made by Ed Butler and seconded by Lee Brown, Resolution #80: BE IT RESOLVED TO grant permission to Dante Armideo to pursue the prosecution of the dangerous dogs-at-large at a trial scheduled for the end of the month. Roll call vote: Karen aye, Glenn aye, Ed aye, Lee aye. Motion carried.
* On a motion made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Lee Brown, Resolution #81: BE IT RESOLVED TO authorize Gina Nourse as Town Budget Officer (PT) to transfer money to amend the budget by using surplus revenues and unexpended appropriations to cover unbudgeted items from the following fund accounts:
Move appropriations from A1990.4 (Contingency) in the amount of $7895.00 to the following line items:
A1310.1 (budget officer, wages) $2000.00
A1910.4 (unallocated insurance) $5468.00
A9030.8 (SS/medicare) $250.00
A9050.8 (unemployment ins.) $177.00
Increase estimated revenues DA3501 (State Aid, CHIPS, etc) $70,388.00 and increase estimated appropriations DA5112.2 (Capital outlay) $70,388.00. This will recognize the increased amount of revenue to cover extra expenses.
Move appropriations from DA5110.4 (general repairs, contractual) to DA5110.1 (general repairs, wages) to balance accounts.
Roll Call vote: Ed aye, Lee aye, Karen aye, Glenn aye. Motion carried.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting of the Lapeer Town Board will be held on December 27, 2023 at 7:00 PM.
A motion was made by Ed Butler and seconded by Karen Fritts to adjourn the meeting. Resolution #82: BE IT RESOLVED, there being no further business, to conclude the meeting at 9:18 PM. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cynthia McFarland
Lapeer Town Clerk
State of New York
County of Cortland
Town of Lapeer
Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Lapeer held at the Town Highway Garage on November 8, 2023
Present: Gary F. Cornell, Supervisor
Ed Butler, Councilman
Lee Brown, Councilman
Karen Fritts, Councilwoman
Glenn Fritts, Councilman
Cindy McFarland, Town Clerk/Tax Collector
Patrick McMahon, Highway Superintendent
Richard Edsall, Town Justice
A public hearing on the Town's Proposed Budget for 2024 was called to order at 7:08 by Town Supervisor Gary Cornell. As there were no attendees, a motion to close the budget hearing at 7:10 was made by Ed Butler and seconded by Glenn Fritts . Resolution #71: BE IT RESOLVED TO close the public hearing on the Proposed Budget for 2024. Roll call vote: Karen aye, Ed aye, Lee aye, Glenn aye. Motion carried.
The Meeting Was Called to Order at 7:12 by Gary Cornell. Minutes of October 11, 2023 were verified correct.
There was no Code Enforcer Report
There was a dog control issue in Hunts Corners in which a neighboring dog bit a town resident and law enforcement was called by the resident. Cindy is following up with the homeowner and she contacted Country Acres.
Richard Edsall presented a verbal report: the grant application for the court facility in Marathon has been submitted; he will continue his normal court hours on Wednesday evenings and attend D.A. Court on Thursday evenings when necessary; and there was another appearance ticket issued for the three dogs-at-large in violation of the leash law and licensing ordinance (from June 2023) but the Judge was not in Court that evening.
Cindy McFarland submitted the monthly report for October (dog licenses, building permits) and monies ($457.00).
The Highway Superintendent’s monthly report was passed around to the Board.
The DEC is requiring inventory of all trucks and/or heavy equipment by December 1st. The list was supposed to be completed in April.
2. Delineators were installed at the intersection of Highland Rd. and Phillips Rd. after Patrick removed a log put there by an Amish months ago.
3. Patrick received two additional quotes on 1 ton trucks in the price range of $68,000 - $70,000.
4. An updated inventory list of town equipment was reviewed by the Board.
5. A traffic incident occurred on Hunts Corner's Road Halloween evening. A neighborhood teenager landed his truck in a creek. A polic report was filed and will be kept for insurance issues. Patrick replaced the block that was hit. There were no injuries.
A motion was made by Glenn Fritts and seconded by Ed Butler to acknowledge the receipt of reports. Resolution #72: BE IT RESOLVED TO receive the monthly reports as presented. Roll call vote: Glenn aye, Karen aye, Lee aye, Ed aye. Motion carried.
Vouchers #88 - 96 in the General Fund and #59 - 68 in the Highway Fund on Abstract # 11 for a total amount of $14,154.08 were presented to the Board for auditing and approval. A motion was made by Glenn Fritts and seconded by Lee Brown to accept the vouchers as true and correct. Resolution #73: BE IT RESOLVED TO pay all vouchers. Roll call vote: Lee aye, Glenn aye, Karen aye, Ed aye. Motion carried.
A 2024 Allocation schedule was sent by Perma to show tail-end payments on workman's comp claims. Lapeer's portion was down 10% from 2023: from $15,235.00 to $13,712.00.
County Administrator, Robert Corpora, sent notice about Shared Services Plan in which counties outside NYC have the option to participate in a County-Wide Shared Services Initiative and develop a County-Wide Shared Services Property Tax Savings Plan. Mr. Corpora is required to assemble a panel of all mayors and town supervisors to work to develop and approve a Plan.
Cortland County Civil Service sent notice of an amendment to section 63 of the Civil Service Law. The amendment requires that any time spent as a provisional employee must be counted towards an employee's probationary term upon receiving a permanent appointment to the same title.
NYS Department of Taxation and Finance sent a $45.00 check. There was no remittance information attached to the check.
Cortland County Treasurer's Office sent a check in the amount of $6,287.74 for April – September 2023 mortgage tax. The office also sent a check in the amount of $35,200.01 for the third quarter sales tax, 2023.
Old Business:
Gary will contact NBT for an appointment to discuss five month CDs at 5%.
New Business:
Since the 2023 budget is staying under the 2% tax cap, the local law from the February 8, 2023 board meeting: Local Law #1 A local law to override the tax levy limit established in General Municipal Law 3-c is invalid.
A motion was made by Ed Butler and seconded by Lee Brown to adopt Local
Law #2 for the year 2023. Resolution #74: BE IT RESOLVED TO adopt Local
Law #2: A local law to Rescind Local Law #1 of 2023. Roll call vote:
Ed aye, Lee aye, Glenn aye, Karen aye. Motion carried.
The Board determined the total to be raised by taxes as $555,643.00, which
stays under the tax cap of 2%. The tax cap figure, per Gina Nourse, is $560,943.00 which the Town is under by $5300.00. The tax rate per thousand decreased to $5.26 from $5.32 in 2023.
A motion was made by Glenn Fritts and seconded by Ed Butler to adopt the preliminary budget as the final budget. Resolution #75: BE IT RESOLVED TO adopt the attached certified Budget for 2024 with the amount to be raised by taxes as $555,643.00. All in favor by roll call vote:
Karen Fritts Aye Lee Brown Aye
Ed Butler Aye Glenn Fritts Aye
Cindy will send a certified copy to Real Property Tax Services and the Town Supervisor.
Gary will contact The Finger Lakes Insurance Group to add a policy for employee Mark Urtz.
4. Ed suggested consideration of constructing a salt shed in the near future.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting of the Lapeer Town Board will be held on December 13, 2023 at 7:00 PM.
A motion was made by Ed Butler and seconded by Karen Fritts to adjourn the meeting. Resolution #76: BE IT RESOLVED, there being no further business, to conclude the meeting at 8:48 PM. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cynthia McFarland
Lapeer Town Clerk
State of New York
County of Cortland
Town of Lapeer
Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Lapeer held at the Town Highway Garage on October 11, 2023
Present: Gary F. Cornell, Supervisor
Ed Butler, Councilman
Lee Brown, Councilman
Karen Fritts, Councilwoman
Glenn Fritts, Councilman
Cindy McFarland, Town Clerk/Tax Collector
Patrick McMahon, Highway Superintendent
Gina Nourse, Budget Officer PT
Town Residents: Brett and Jolene Padbury
An Open Session was held until 7:10.
The Meeting Was Called to Order at 7:10 by Gary Cornell. Minutes of September 13, 2023 required clarification:
Karen asked Patrick's progress on preparing an inventory list of items in the Garage. and
NYMIR met with Patrick. Their requirements include a pre-trip log and a road signs log.
There was no Code Enforcer Report
There was no Dog Control Report
There was no Justice Report.
* Cindy McFarland submitted the monthly report for September (dog license, certified copies, building permits) and monies ($584.00). Cindy also mentioned technical difficulties with her town website and an increase in price. She will attempt to fix the issue.
* The Highway Superintendent’s monthly report was passed around to the Board.
Mark Urtz, town employee, bruised his ribs while putting studs in tires. He missed 2 ½ days of work: Monday 10/2, Tuesday 10/3, and Wednesday 10/4. He was seen in the ER and given clearance to return to work Thursday, 10/5/23.
Repairs were made to the 2022 truck. DEF sensor failed. The truck was under warranty and taken to Allegiance Trucks (Stadium International) for repair.
All salt has been hauled: 224 ton, and sand :1,037 ton.
Finished road work on Valentine Hill, Quail Hollow, Cook Hill, and Ticknor Rd.
Patrick announced that his deputy was Brett Padbury. Cindy will swear him in at her office.
A motion was made by Glenn Fritts and seconded by Lee Brown to acknowledge the receipt of reports. Resolution #66: BE IT RESOLVED TO receive the monthly reports as presented. Roll call vote: Karen aye, Lee aye, Ed aye, Glenn aye. Motion carried.
The monthly report for the general and highway fund, and the payroll sheet were passed around to the Board.
Vouchers # 81 – 87 in the General Fund and #47 - 58 in the Highway Fund on Abstract # 10 for a total amount of $30,409.52 were presented to the Board for auditing and approval. A motion was made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Glenn Fritts to accept the vouchers as true and correct. Resolution #67: BE IT RESOLVED TO pay all vouchers. Roll call vote: Lee aye, Glenn aye, Karen aye, Ed aye. Motion carried.
Smith Brothers Insurance sent an invoice credit of $460.90 for over-payment. The check will be deposited back under the insurance line item, A1910.4.
According to the NYS Office of the Comptroller the tax cap is 2% and this rate is effective for all counties, cities, towns, villages and fire districts in New York. The rate per thousand for the Town is $5.26 and for the fire district $1.08.
The Fire District sent notice that the fire protection for Lapeer will be $108,018.99 for 2024. This figure is up $10,530.99, or approximately 9%. It is unclear to the Board why the fire district is consistently over the tax cap. Gina informed the Board that fire protection districts' figures have to be figured in the Town's tax cap.
Changes to the 2024 preliminary budget:
Gina stated Workman's Comp should be under the A account (General Fund), #A9040.8 and NOT under the DA account (Highway Fund).
Similarly, insurance for the building and equipment should be under the A account #A1910.4 and NOT split between General Fund and Highway Fund.
$3600.00 was inadvertently omitted from A3620.1 (Safety Inspection).
Fuel for the trucks should be split between DA5110.4 (General Repairs) and DA5142.4 (Snow Removal)
Increases from the 2023 budget for the 2024 budget:
A1310.1 (Budget Officer PT- salary) was $5500.00, proposed $7500.00
A1410.4 (Town Clerk Contractual) was $1675.00, proposed $1800.00
A4540.4 (Ambulance)was $10,575.00, now $11,273.00
A5010.1 (Supt. Highways - salary) was $50,000.00, proposed $52,000.00
DA5142.1 (Snow Removal – salary) was $25,500.00, proposed $26,500.00
DA9060.8 (Medical Insurance) was $7800.00, now $8800.00
A9060.8 (Medical Insurance) was $0, now $8800.00.
Gina will compute the new tax cap percentage and the amount to be raised by taxes.
Karen asked Gina to contact Arleen to see if she had the Excel spreadsheet program used to calculate the front page of the budget. That program provides more information summarizing the fiscal budget by fund and fire districts.
New Business:
On a motion made by Ed Butler and seconded by Lee Brown, Resolution #68: BE IT RESOLVED TO hold a Public Hearing on the 2024 preliminary town budget on November 8, 2023 at 7:00 PM. Roll call vote: Lee aye, Ed aye, Karen aye, Glenn aye. Motion carried. Cindy will advertise the public hearing.
On a motion made by Ed Butler and seconded by Glenn Fritts, Resolution #69: BE IT RESOLVED TO pay Mark Urtz for the two and a half missed days of work (October 2-4) due to an injury sustained in the highway garage. Roll call vote: Ed aye, Glenn aye, Karen aye, Lee aye. Motion carried.
Rotha Marsh is not interested in a possible bookkeeper position.
Matt Fritts will submit another voucher for cemetery mowing in the amount of $100.00. He was previously paid $1200.00 but last year's budget was increased to $1300.00.
Patrick was authorized to check prices on a new one-ton truck since the current one is a 2018.
Gary, Cindy, and possibly Lee will schedule a meeting with Kelly at NBT bank to discuss the various town accounts. It was discussed that any surplus funds should be put into cd's which currently pay 5% interest.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting of the Lapeer Town Board will be held on November 8, 2023 at 7:00 PM.
A motion was made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Ed Butler to adjourn the meeting. Resolution #70: BE IT RESOLVED, there being no further business, to conclude the meeting at 8:59. PM. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cynthia McFarland
Lapeer Town Clerk
State of New York
County of Cortland
Town of Lapeer
Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Lapeer held at the Town Highway Garage on September 13, 2023
Present: Gary Cornell, Town Supervisor
Lee Brown, Councilman
Ed Butler, Councilman
Karen Fritts, Councilwoman
Cynthia McFarland, Clerk/Collector
Patrick McMahon, Highway Superintendent
Richard Edsall, Town Justice
Others: John Robinson
No open floor session was held.
The Meeting Was Called to Order at 7:03 by Gary Cornell.
The Floor was Opened to Judge Edsall:
Judge Edsall approached the Board with a request to authorize a submission of a grant application. If successful, the grant would allow up to $30,000.00 for improvements to the town court facility in Marathon. The Town of Marathon will also apply for the grant for (up to) $30,000.00. Improvements to the building may include new paint and carpet, file cabinets, paper shredders, bullet proof glass, etc.
The Judge also mentioned that Judge Daugherty of Marathon would like to move court day from Wednesday evenings to Thursday evenings. The change may take effect in November. The current DA is leaving office so the new one would have to be available on Thursdays as well. The Board saw no problem with the change as long as Judge Edsall was satisfied. Patrick questioned ordering new signs announcing the change when it occurs.
Regular Meeting
Minutes of August 9 and 23, 2023 were verified correct.
Judge Edsall submitted two checks for Justice fees: $15.00 for June and $193.00 for July.
There was no formal code officer report but Cindy reported an increase in building permits. There are currently 3 non-permitted homes built which will require code enforcement.
There was no dog control report.
Cindy McFarland submitted the monthly report (building permits, marriage license, dog licenses) and monies ($219.50). She has reached out to the State Comptroller's Office concerning the difficulty of reaching a human regarding the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) program. She has yet to hear back from the comptroller.
Patrick gave a highway report:
New employee Mark Urtz is doing well. Cindy gave copies to Patrick of the Sexual Harassment policy and the Code of Ethics policy for Mark to sign and return.
The 2018 pickup needs 6 new tires. Patrick contacted Tallmadge Tires and Mckee's for pricing. McKee's was cheaper. They will install 6 tires at $199.00 per tire.
Suit Kote spray-patched a 1 mile section of Hunts Corners Rd.
Karen asked when the ditch and sluice by her home on Fritt's Hill would be addressed. Patrick is aware of the issue.
Cindy called Katie at the Association of Towns concerning whether or not the highway deputy has to live in Lapeer. He/she does unless the Town as a local law overriding the requirement. Patrick has contacted a few people and has a few more to reach out to. Gary suggested he consider hiring a part-time person.
The Grader has shifting issues and the 2022 truck has a heater/air conditioner issue.
NYMIR met with Patrick. Their requirements include pre-trip paperwork and a log kept of road signs.
Other work consisted of patching potholes, hauling stone and sand, cleaning up office and touch up painting on building. Mowing roadsides is complete.
A motion was made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Ed Butler to acknowledge the receipt of reports. Resolution #62: BE IT RESOLVED TO receive the monthly reports as presented. Roll call vote: Lee aye, Ed aye, Karen aye. Motion carried.
Payroll sheets were reviewed.
Vouchers # 73 – 80 in the General Fund, #41 - 46 in the Highway Fund on Abstract #9 for a total amount of $8206.01 were presented to the Board for auditing and approval. A motion was made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Ed Butler to accept the vouchers as true and correct. Resolution #63: BE IT RESOLVED TO pay all vouchers. Roll Call vote: Ed aye, Lee aye, Karen aye. Motion carried.
The Annual Financial Report was finished on August 31, 2023. Cindy will advertise it's availability in her office.
Gary has been chatting with Rotha Marsh concerning a bookkeeper position with the Town.
A 2nd quarter sales tax check for $26,551.57 was received. The County is supposed to be keeping the revenue towards the tax levy.
Old Business:
Matt Fritts will resume maintenance in the Highland Road cemetery if the current town resident chooses to stop volunteering.
Karen asked Patrick to prepare an inventory list of items in the Garage as time permits.
New Business:
On a motion made by Karen Fritts and seconded by, Ed Butler, Resolution #64: BE IT RESOLVED TO Authorize the Lapeer Town Court to Submit an Application for Funding from the Justice Court Assistance Program for the 2023-2024 grant cycle up to $30,000.00. Roll Call vote: Lee aye, Ed aye, Karen aye. Motion carried.
Budget: Preparations are underway. Thus far, the Association of Towns annual dues remain the same while MAVAC increased to $11,273.00
John Robinson asked about a log on the edge of the road at the intersection of Highland Rd. and Phillips Rd. It was put there by an Amish months ago and is a safety hazard to motor vehicles. The Board asked Patrick if he could relocate it. John also questioned an area near Muckey Rd. and Highland Rd. that had a drop off/dip in the road structure.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting of the Lapeer Town Board will be held on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 at 7:00 PM.
A motion was made by Ed Butler and seconded by Karen Fritts to adjourn the
meeting. Resolution #65: BE IT RESOLVED, there being no further business, to conclude the meeting at 8:35 PM. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted
Cynthia McFarland
Lapeer Town Clerk
State of New York
County of Cortland
Town of Lapeer
Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Lapeer held at the Town Highway Garage on August 9, 2023
Present: Lee Brown, Deputy Supervisor
Ed Butler, Councilman
Glenn Fritts, Councilman
Karen Fritts, Councilwoman
Cynthia McFarland, Clerk/Collector
George Courtney, Jr., Highway Superintendent
Others: Patrick McMahon, Roxanne Reese, Richard Edsall
No open floor session was held.
The Meeting Was Called to Order at 7:04 by Lee Brown.
Minutes of July 12, 2023 were verified correct.
Judge Edsall will submit two checks when he receives his new ones. He would like to be placed on the agenda for September to discuss a grant application from the Justice Court Assistance Fund. Cindy asked about the court outcome of the woman whose dogs were in violation of the leash law and failure to license. The woman never appeared in Court.
The Code Officer sent a copy of a letter that he mailed to an Amish man who is in violation of the building permit law. Cindy read the letter to the Board. Since the man did not obey the Stop Work order, the next step is a court appearance notice.
Cindy McFarland submitted the monthly report (building permit) and monies ($10.00).
George gave a highway report.
The '09 IH 7600 plow truck was delivered to the Town of German
George submitted his resignation letter, effective August 17,2023. He plans on retiring.
Patrick and George helped the Town of Virgil clean up after a tornado touched down.
George has been instructing Patrick on the paperwork aspects of the Superintendent's position. He feels he is leaving the Town in good shape.
A motion was made by Glenn Fritts and seconded by Ed Butler to acknowledge the receipt of reports. Resolution #57: BE IT RESOLVED TO receive the monthly reports as presented. Roll call vote: Glenn aye, Ed aye, Karen aye. Motion carried.
Payroll sheets were reviewed.
Vouchers #64 - 72 in the General Fund, # 38 – 40 in the Highway Fund on Abstract #8 for a total amount of $4239.53 were presented to the Board for auditing and approval. A motion was made by Glenn Fritts and seconded by Ed Butler to accept the vouchers as true and correct. Resolution #58: BE IT RESOLVED TO pay all vouchers. Roll Call vote: Ed aye, Glenn aye, Karen aye. Motion carried.
The monthly financial (budget) sheets from the bookkeeper were delivered and passed around. The Board remains concerned about the bookkeeper's lateness with reports.
Cindy received a letter from the NYS Comptroller's Office concerning the 2022 AUD (annual update document). Lee read the letter to the Board in which Mr. Tiberio requested an update as to the status of the document which was due in February.
Old Business:
There was a discussion about the bookkeeper. Her failure to submit monthly reports in a timely manner cannot be dismissed. With the latest communication from the Comptroller's Office concerning the lateness of the AUD, Glenn recommended sending the bookkeeper written notice documenting the Board's dismay with her performance. All members were in agreement. Glenn will draft a letter.
New Business:
On a motion made by Ed Butler and seconded by Karen Fritts, Resolution #59: BE IT RESOLVED TO accept George Courtney Jr.'s letter of resignation for retirement effective August 17, 2023. Roll Call vote: Glenn aye, Ed aye, Karen aye. Motion carried.
Cindy will inform the Board of Elections and the County Clerk of the vacancy.
On a motion made by Ed Butler and seconded by Glenn Fritts, Resolution #60: BE IT RESOLVED TO hold a Special Meeting on August 17, 2023 at 7:00 PM for the purpose of nominating a Highway Superintendent to fill George Courtney Jr.'s term. Roll call vote: Karen aye, Ed aye, Glenn aye. Motion carried. Cindy will post notices and advertise in the Cortland Standard.
George hired Mark Urtz from Freetown. He will begin August 21, 2023. The Board needs to address his wage and insurance needs.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting of the Lapeer Town Board will be held on Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 7:00 PM.
A motion was made by Ed Butler and seconded by Karen Fritts to adjourn the
meeting. Resolution #61: BE IT RESOLVED, there being no further business, to conclude the meeting at 8:13 PM. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted
Cynthia McFarland
Lapeer Town Clerk
State of New York
County of Cortland
Town of Lapeer
Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Lapeer held at the Town Highway Garage on July 12, 2023
Present: Gary F. Cornell, Supervisor
Ed Butler, Councilman
Lee Brown, Councilman
Glenn Fritts, Councilman
Karen Fritts, Councilwoman
Cindy McFarland, Town Clerk/Tax Collector
George Courtney, Jr., Highway Superintendent
An open floor session was not held.
The Meeting Was Called to Order at 7:07 by Gary Cornell.
Minutes of June 14, 2023 were verified correct.
There was no dog control report.
There was no code report.
There was no justice report.
Cindy McFarland presented the monthly report (dog licenses and building permit) and monies ($380.00).
Highway report:
The Town of German will purchase the '09 truck for $40,000.
George would like to rent a tractor to mow roadsides. Gary suggested renting one with a sickle bar.
Shoulder work was done on Hunts Corners Road. George and Pat also helped the Village of Marathon pave Galatia Street.
The highway garage was painted.
A motion was made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Lee Brown to acknowledge the receipt of reports. Resolution #54: BE IT RESOLVED TO receive the monthly reports as presented. Roll call vote: Glenn aye, Ed aye, Lee aye, Karen aye. Motion carried.
Payroll sheets were reviewed.
Vouchers #55 - 63 in the General Fund, # 34 - 37 in the Highway Fund on Abstract #7 for a total amount of $ 73,333.31 were presented to the Board for auditing and approval. A motion was made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Ed Butler to accept the vouchers as true and correct. Resolution #55: BE IT RESOLVED TO pay all vouchers. Roll Call vote: Ed aye, Lee aye, Karen aye, Glenn aye. Motion carried.
Monthly budget reports were not presented by the bookkeeper. There was a concerned discussion over the bookkeeper's performance. Gary will be searching for another bookkeeper.
Cortland County Real Property Tax sent notice the Town's option for distribution of sales tax revenues is due by September 1st. The Board would like to keep the sales tax revenue towards the tax levy at $330,000.00 but would like the County to keep all the sales tax until that amount is met, instead of dividing the amount into quarterly payments. Gary and Cindy will draft a letter to Real Property Tax before September 1st.
NYS Ag and Markets sent notice that the Cortland County SPCA passed inspection. Once again the Board doesn't know the reason for the letter since the SPCA is not the Town's dog control agency.
Old Business:
At the Board's request, Gary will contact another person as a possible town bookkeeper.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting of the Lapeer Town Board will be held on Wednesday, August 9, 2023 at 7:00 PM.
A motion was made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Ed Butler to adjourn the
meeting. Resolution #56: BE IT RESOLVED, there being no further business, to conclude the meeting at 7:58PM. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted
Cynthia McFarland
Lapeer Town Clerk
State of New York
County of Cortland
Town of Lapeer
Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Lapeer held at the Town Highway Garage on June 14, 2023
Present: Gary F. Cornell, Supervisor
Ed Butler, Councilman
Lee Brown, Councilman
Glenn Fritts, Councilman
Karen Fritts, Councilwoman
Cindy McFarland, Town Clerk/Tax Collector
George Courtney, Jr., Highway Superintendent
Patrick McMahon, Town Employee
Richard Edsall, Town Justice
An open floor session was not held.
The Meeting Was Called to Order at 7:10 by Gary Cornell.
Minutes of May 10, 2023 were verified correct.
There was a dog control report in which one stray was adopted and 2 dogs were issued tickets for running at large in violation of the leash law and failure to license.
There was no code report.
Judge Edsall issued 2 checks for justice fees: April $120.00 and May $406.00. He also mentioned the upcoming dog case.
Cindy McFarland presented the monthly report (dog licenses, marriage license and building permits) and monies ($297.50). A check for $940.60 for May interest on tax payments was also given. 17 unpaid bills went back to the Treasurer for settlement on June 9, 2023.
Highway report:
George needs to transfer money in the highway accounts.
Amnesty Day brought in 26 ton of waste materials for a total of $2042.00. The County allows $2700.00.
George plans on painting a stop bar across Hunts Corners Road now that paving is complete.
George received a quote for painting the highway garage from Patrick Riley Painting for $7500.00.
CHIPS money arrived.
The Town of German is interested in the '09 truck for $40,000.
George and Patrick McMahon provided mutual aid to the Town and Village of Marathon in return for their assistance with town roads
A motion was made by Lee Brown and seconded by Karen Fritts to acknowledge the receipt of reports. Resolution #49: BE IT RESOLVED TO receive the monthly reports as presented. Roll call vote: Glenn aye, Ed aye, Lee aye, Karen aye. Motion carried.
Payroll sheets were reviewed.
Vouchers #43 - 54 in the General Fund, # 29 - 33 in the Highway Fund on Abstract #6 for a total amount of $147,172.84 were presented to the Board for auditing and approval. A motion was made by Karen Fritts and seconded by Ed Butler to accept the vouchers as true and correct. Resolution #50: BE IT RESOLVED TO pay all vouchers. Roll Call vote: Ed aye, Lee aye, Karen aye, Glenn aye. Motion carried.
A duplicate payment made by Arleen Colasanto in January 2023 to the NYS Retirement System in the amount of $14,989.00 was refunded.
Monthly budget reports were not presented by the bookkeeper. There was a concerned discussion over the bookkeeper's performance. Gary will be in touch with her.
NYMIR will require installing and using Master Battery Disconnect Switches on medium and heavy-duty vehicles.
A $426.00 check from Weitsman Shredding was received for scrap metal.
Stuart Clark is no longer caretaker of the Highland Road cemetery.
Old Business:
Gary will contact Gina Nourse over some bookkeeping concerns brought up by board members.
New Business:
1. Staples will no longer offer a credit card through CitiBank. Future purchases will have to be made through personal credit cards and voucher for reimbursement.
2. On a motion made by Ed Butler and seconded by Lee Brown, Resolution #51: BE IT RESOLVED TO authorize the following transfers for the purpose of oil and stoning/repairing Cooper Hill Road, Wood Road, Zelsnack Road, and Muckey Road:
$15,500.00 from DA5110.11 (salary, part-time) to DA5110.4 (contractual general repairs)
$10,000.00 from DA5120.4 (bridges and culverts) to DA5110.4
$25,000.00 from DA5130.4 (contractual equipment) to DA5110.4
Roll Call vote: Glenn aye, Ed aye, Karen aye, Lee aye. Motion carried.
3. On a motion made by Lee Brown and seconded by Ed Butler, Resolution #52: BE IT RESOLVED TO sell the 2009 7600 International plow truck to the Town of German for $40,000.00, AS IS. Roll Call vote: Lee aye, Karen aye, Ed aye, Glenn aye. Motion carried.
4. Republican caucus will be held June 28, 2023 at 7 PM.
5. George will contact Patrick Riley Painting concerning the quote to paint the highway garage for $7500.00. The price is to include pressure washing, paint all areas and block walls with Sherwin Williams acrylic paint, all materials and labor, and a 10 year guarantee against fading and peeling. George will also ask for proof of insurance and if the surface will be primed or double-coated.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting of the Lapeer Town Board will be held on Wednesday, July 12, 2023 at 7:00 PM.
A motion was made by Ed Butler and seconded by Glenn Frittsto adjourn the
meeting. Resolution #53: BE IT RESOLVED, there being no further business, to conclude the meeting at 8:53PM. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted
Cynthia McFarland
Lapeer Town Clerk